Radar Front Ends
- X-Band to 100 GHz Capability Range
- FMCWand Pulsed RFEs
- Integrated transceivers for production
- Bolt-together components for Breadboarding
- Monostatic and Multi-Static configurations
- Linearized VCO and DDS-based designs
- 60 GHz Pulsed/FMCW RFE

HXI has provided a wide range of Radar Front Ends (RFEs) to various customers for almost 20 years. Starting with a simple 60 GHz hand-held “flashlight” radar for a police department in Japan, HXI established a unique radar capability. Later RFEs included a simple FMCW sensor for railroad crossing safety, which also found use as an in-process monitor in a steel factory. On the more complex side, HXI developed a 94 GHz RFE for helicopter landing in brown-out and adverse weather conditions as well as a 60 GHz pulsed/FMCW RFE breadboard for satellite-based obstacle detection. Examples of Radar Front Ends that we have developed can be found in our Radar Capabilities Brochure.
HXI more recently has been in development of a Multi-Static FMCW radar designed specifically to detect suicide bomb threats at medium range (50 meters). Breadboard testing has been very successful and a pre-production hardware set is expected to be trialed in late 2013 or early 2014. HXI is a subcontractor on the program and the work is sponsored in part by the Department of Homeland Security. More information on the radar can be found in the download section below – just click on the download for the Model 8300 Radar Front End.
HXI’s custom-designed FMCW RFE configurations can include either DDS-based or linearized VCO chirping, depending on bandwidth and linearity requirements. Up and downconversion, amplification and other radar transceiver functions in the millimeter wave region are realized largely with MMIC-based circuitry andare custom-engineered for SWaP requirements. RFEs can be breadboarded using HXI’s single function modules, which include LNAs, power amplifiers, mixers and upconverters, frequency multipliers, switches, etc. An example of a 94 GHz RFE breadboard is shown below, along-side the resulting pre-production design that it evolved to.

HXI partners with various radar developers, signal processing experts and other supporting entities to realize complete radars. On-staff radar knowledge at HXI allows system and hardware tradeoffs to be more easily studied and final configurations decided with a high degree of input to the end customer from HXI.
Downloads (click to download)
S-band Variable Output Power Amplifier
HXI MMW Components for Missile/Radar Applications
HXI Model 8300 Radar Front End data sheet
HXI Radar Capabilities Brochure
White Paper – “Move Over X-Ray: Millimeter is Wave of the Future for Homeland Security”
HXI Company Overview
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