
Jan 11, 2022

For use in satellite communication applications like GPS and personal radio services, Renaissance has designed a700 MHz to 1 GHz coaxial circulator. This circulator features high isolation and low insertion loss in a compact footprint.

Dec 16, 2021

Looking for a surface mount circulator at X-band that is compact but can still handle 10W? REC’s 3SMH8NFLoperates between 9.3 – 9.5 GHz with 0.6 dB loss and is a true SMT design that uses a footprint of just 0.457” x.350”. The design is highly temperature stable and can operate from -55 to 100°C.

Sep 23, 2021

Ideal for hi-definition satellite television, Renaissance has designed a new K-band drop-in isolator. Operating at 25.8 – 27.2 GHz, this high frequency isolator provides high power and isolation, coupled with low insertion loss for your RF needs that require great pointing accuracy.

Sep 22, 2021

For use in GPS systems, radars and telecom, Renaissance offers this L-Band Drop-In Circulator. With 5 kW peakpower, wide operating and storage temperature range, high isolation and low insertion loss, this circulator offerssuperior performance combined with compact size and ease of use,

Sep 16, 2021

For mobile communication applications, Renaissance offers this S-Band Drop-In Isolator. Operating at 2.371 – 2.384 GHz, this isolator handles power FWD and REV equally at 35 W, while maintaining its high isolation and low insertion loss.

Sep 14, 2021

For Satcom and navigation applications, Renaissance offers this L-Band Drop-In Isolator. Operating at 1.477 – 1.489 GHz, this isolator offers equal FWD and REV power and a wide temperature range with high isolation and low insertion loss.

Sep 9, 2021

Need a Hi-Rel Drop-In Circulator for your Space application? Renaissance offers a 5.75 – 5.85 GHz DICirculator to meet your requirements. With a small footprint, it also carries the Renaissance signature highisolation/low insertion loss with superior performance.

Sep 7, 2021

For use in radar, GPS, satcom and telecom applications, Renaissance offers this L-Band Coaxial Isolator. With strong performance and high power across varying temperature requirements, this isolator handles the entire L-Band for use in many applications.

Sep 2, 2021

Renaissance has designed an S-band 3-port circulator in WR284 waveguide. This circulator is best suited for both military and commercial applications (air traffic control, ground base and ship borne radars), and offers the ability to handle high power while maintaining low insertion loss.